Sunday, September 07, 2008

After the phone call

Praise be to the Lord,
to God our Savior,

who daily bears our burdens.
Our God is a God who saves;

from the Sovereign LORD comes
escape from death.

Psalm 68:19-2

I made a phone call today and it rang and rang and then they answered - they answered. And now all I can do is whisper the words above.

I was standing this morning in the Narthex at Truro catching up with friends when I learned that my dearest of friends, whom I've known since my twenties, were in what was nearly a horrific crash on the interstate freeway not long after they headed out with their children and their packed SUV and trailer to make a new home in Virginia. As they drove on the open highway, suddenly, their car and trailer jack-knifed and flipped over, trapping the entire family inside.

But the car and the trailer - loaded up to capacity for their long journey - did not explode. There was no fire. The entire family crawled out of the car and escaped.

And they did escape - all of them were saved. And except for a few bumps and scratches and a couple of stitches for the driver, they walked away from the crash.

When I talked to them this afternoon, I kept blinking back the tears of gratitude - and they gave me the verse above. Talking with them, grateful, so grateful, reminded me once again that no matter what happens - the church is the people, not the buildings. It's the people - whether we are delivered to remain in our church homes or become sojourners through the land - it will still be the people. And God is indeed Abba, our Father.

As I listened over the phone to what happened - and most especially, what didn't happen - they told me they will not give up. They are leaving their diocese and they are coming to CANA. They retrieved their possessions that survived the crash and, with a borrowed truck, they will continue on their journey, placing their trust in a God who delivered them. I am so grateful that this family, a family that has weathered so much all ready, will continue this new journey in faith. I am awed by their witness that even now, at this hour, they will not, even in the face of near death, they will not, by the grace of God, give up.


TLF+ said...

I needed more kleenex for this one than the Kleenex post! Praise God and may he add many blessings over and above this rescue as your friend move forward.

Perpetua said...

Hi bb,

Are you saying that your friends are moving to Virginia to be in a CANA congregation?

Unknown said...

The ordained member of the family was transferred by his TEC bishop to CANA. God bless that bishop.
