Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Avoiding Burnout in a Flat Out World

BB NOTE: As some of you may know, I subscribe via iTunes to the Holy Trinity Brompton (London/Anglican) sermon series. On the train this morning I listened to a very recent one by the Rev. Archie Coates, one of the curates at HTB. It's called Elijah: Avoiding Burnout In A Flat Out World and centers one of the best-known stories of Elijah (but in a way that won't be soon forgotten!). I'm going to post it below for easy listening. You can also download the sermon notes here for page one and here for page two. You can download small group questions here.

There is also a part one to the series, called "Elijah: Daring To Be Different In An Indifferent World," which you can listen to here. You can see all the sermons offered online here or subscribe for free through iTunes.

Here is this excellent sermon by Archie. It couldn't come at a better time. Also note the reading of the passage at the beginning of the recording - it is quite moving.

The good news is - BabyBlue is heading off to retreat this coming weekend somewhere in the Blue Ridge ("Road Trip!"). Stay tuned.

Avoiding Burnout in a Flat Out World
Archie Coates, HTB London

1 comment:

Kevin said...

I love the Scriptures because the heroes are so real. This is one of my favorite stories, probably because I fail so often and so often prove I'm a child of God's by throwing a temper tantrum. In my better states I'm like Elijah, other times more like Jonah.

The True Hero is always the LORD, who comes to both and meets them in their low moments and deals with them at that point foreward.