Sunday, February 25, 2007

First Annual "Blogging the Oscarsfest"

Thought we'd try something new this year. For the past umpteen years, BabyBlue watches the Oscars and picks her choices and then sees how she does. This year she has only seen one of the films! Guess she was otherwise occupied by "other things."

But hey, we're still going to watch the Oscars and while we are not as certain who will win (Little Miss Sunshine or The Departed, comedy or drama?), will this finally be Martin Scorsese's year, are we going to hear an acceptance speech from Eddie Murphy, will Al Gore get an Oscar, or will Helen Miren finish the year off with a final triumph (the answer we think is yes to all those questions) - we'll give you our best view, front and center from somewhere in the middle of Narnia. Turkish Delight anyone?


Click here or on the headline above for your ballot!

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